Does Anyone Really Want to Know about Therapist Abuse? (Part 1)

When I dropped the bomb and began telling people what had happened with my ex-therapist, it seemed like a lot of them didn’t really want to know too much about it. At least, that was my perception. At the time, I was in the midst of full-blown PTSD; I was traumatized, anxious, worried about whether people were going to believe me and terrified of how they were going to react. I really didn’t know what to say, so my general approach was to tell them, very cautiously, that I’d had “a sexual relationship with my therapist.” Not the most accurate description of five years of abuse and exploitation, but that was the best I could do at the time. (I realize now that this probably made it sound a bit too much like two consenting adults getting together, which is NOT what it was, by any stretch of the imagination. It took the better part of three years before I felt remotely comfortable saying, “I was exploited and sexually abused by my therapist.”)

Anyway, I’d say the “sexual relationship” thing, and whomever I was talking to would say “Oh” or “Oh my God” (or, in the words of one healing arts practitioner who shall remain nameless, “It’s too bad it didn’t work out”)—something like that. They’d ask me if I was okay, and once they were satisfied that I was more or less “fine,” that would be about it. As if my saying that I’d had “a sexual relationship with my therapist” told them all they needed to know. Or at least enough for them to create a picture in their mind about what had happened, so that they could then close the door and not have to look at it any longer. There were generally no questions, no “What the heck happened??,” no digging for further details. My disclosure was often followed by a tense silence—the kind where you know that the other person is racking their brain, searching for an adequate response and finding nothing. To spare both of us this discomfort, I usually ended up spewing a few general details at them to fill in the picture (whether or not they wanted to see it), then changed the subject. God forbid I should put them on the spot and leave them there. My own shame and embarrassment was bad enough—I didn’t want to somehow be responsible for theirs as well.

The lack of curiosity about what I sometimes refer to as “my situation” was extremely dissatisfying. I mean, I keep this secret for, like, five years, I’m finally ready to talk, to spill the beans, and no one wants to know anything?? What’s up with that? I puzzled over this constantly. Maybe they thought that I didn’t want to talk about it—that asking me questions would be intrusive or embarrassing. Maybe they thought they were sparing me further shame. Maybe they were sparing themselves the shame of being associated with me or the discomfort of knowing something they’d rather not know, or…. Or maybe they didn’t understand—maybe I’d undersold it, maybe they thought it wasn’t a big deal, maybe I should explain to them that what he’d done was a form of abuse…. Maybe they were thinking: Oh, if we just don’t talk about it we can pretend that nothing bad has happened and everything will be normal again! You get the picture.

Occasionally, I had the horrible feeling that, having been silent for five years, perhaps I should just keep my mouth shut and not…say…anything. One thing was for sure—more silence was definitely not what I needed. I needed noise and upset and outrage and lots and lots of validation. My life had been turned upside down and my inner world was in chaos. I needed my outer world to reflect that in some way. Silence felt like people were trying to make everything “fine” when it absolutely, unquestionably was not.

I don’t think anyone realized that their silence or lack of interest was contributing to my sense of shame, the feeling that I was bad/toxic/an embarrassment/an anathema, or my fear that what had happened to me didn’t matter. I’m sure no one wanted me to feel bad. They cared about me and probably just didn’t know what to say. In all likelihood, this was just one of those unfortunate situations where no one was asking me what I needed and I was too traumatized to tell them. I mean, when your sense of self is in the toilet, it’s hard to believe you deserve anything—so how can you possibly ask for it?

Some of my friends and family were happy to provide an ear or two. They’d listen as I ranted, or whispered, about what had happened. And a few people did ask me questions. When that happened I’d feel this huge wave of gratitude rise up inside me. It was so validating to have someone say something and actually want to know about what had happened. What a relief! But for the most part, once they’d asked their initial questions, that was it. They were done. Happy to listen, but not much to say.

So I went about my business, albeit in a highly defensive, easily triggered sort of way. Time passed. My waking up continued. The more I understood about what had happened to me, the more I wanted to talk about it. I thought, People need to know about this issue! Patients are suffering! I have an opportunity to make a difference, and I’m going to speak out, goshdarnit! Well, that’s what I thought, anyway. I was also extremely aggravated that my ex-therapist had not been publicly exposed and that, even though he was under investigation by the Board, he was still allowed to practice. The thought that he could be abusing other patients angered and terrified me.

My lawyer, Joe George, suggested we do a press release. The lawsuit had settled, I’d filed the licensing complaint, and the perp was under investigation—an appropriate time to shoot something out to the local media. So, my lawyer and I and the wonderful, God-sent David Clohessy (National Director of SNAP, The Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, and the closest thing to a knight in shining armor I’ve ever known), worked together to prepare the first press release. I figured that it was a given that someone in the media would pick it up. After all, how many abuse survivors are actually willing to go public? To speak out? The media would want to talk to me, right? Well…. The press release went out and…nothing happened. No calls, no inquiries, nada. Desperate, I even emailed it around, asked people I knew for help (outing myself further in the process), called a couple of reporters, and…still nothing. After keeping the abuse secret for five years, locking it up in my body, stopping my mouth from saying anything, now my voice was freed up but it seemed like no one wanted to hear it.

Eventually I got over the soul-crushing disappointment and embarrassment of not having the press release picked up. (Yes, you could say I took it rather personally.) But that wasn’t the end. Really, the disappointment just made me more determined to be heard. I wrote a couple of letters to my local newspaper, a letter to Oprah (yes, really! I even provided a list of therapist abuse resources), but still no one bit. (Okay, I didn’t really expect Oprah to come calling, but you never know….) So I set my sights on the next target date for a news release: the resolution of the licensing complaint. This time, I thought, this time…

What started out as a press release became a SNAP-sponsored news event. The plan was this: we’d pass out flyers that exposed my ex-therapist as a predator and reached out to other victims to come forward; someone from SNAP would read a personal statement that I’d prepared; local media would be there to cover the event. (While I was completely willing to provide an interview, I decided that it would be in my best interest to stay off camera.) Was I freaked out? Absolutely. Was I ready? You betcha.

Two media alerts went out regarding the event. At our scheduled time, I met the SNAP volunteers at our chosen location and we waited for the media to arrive. I’ll give you one guess what happened. Yup. Nobody showed. So, the gracious people from SNAP passed out flyers in the neighborhood while I shuffled around in a daze. They were used to the media not showing up. I wasn’t.

The good news is that a few things about my ex-therapist did find their way onto the internet. Maybe that’s enough for me. Maybe not. A bunch more people know the truth about him. Not the whole community, but, well…. So it goes.

In the weeks since the media-less news event, I’ve found myself becoming more at peace with the situation and less frustrated. I do still want to increase awareness and understanding about the issue of therapist abuse and exploitation and speak out about my experience. Hence, this blog.

As for the question of whether anyone really wants to hear about therapist abuse, the answer is: I don’t know, but I have a few ideas. I’ll be writing about them soon. And just so it doesn’t go to waste, the statement I prepared for the news event can be found on my blog page appropriately named Press Statement.

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Comments 17

  • All sexual abuse must stop. I was abused by a priest you by a therapist – but we both have the same injuries.

    Keep up the brave fight and strong voice. Bob

  • I can’t believe what happened to you! I am so sorry. This is nuts and what athing to do to a person at all, let alone in the state you were in. My god, you been thru a lot. I WANT to hear your every word. He needs to be heard.

    The same thing happens to me.

    I finally mustered up, after 10 years of being friends-I told her in an email about my childhood abuse and she never emailed me back, just played it off by telling me she’s going to Turkey on vacation w/ her Mother and will be back in a few weeks, told me about how she hated her job and such, but nada about what I worked up so hard to tell her.

    I will go to your page.

    xoxox hang in there

  • Perhaps the title should be changed to “Surviving A Therapist’s Abuse.”

  • Thank you so much for referring me to your first posts! They are exactly where I am now. Including the same attorney. Like you, I kept the secret for several years and now, it’s difficult to figure out who and how to share that. Oh, guess what Mary… Well, not an easy topic to segue into. I share another frustration you had. My ex-therapist is still “practicing” while awaiting the hearing date. Because of how slowly scheduling can take place, he will have had an extra year. Heaven knows what he’s doing behind those closed doors. Of course at the time I believed he’d never had sex w/ another client, but learned from a friend of his that she had warned him that he couldn’t use his practice as his personal dating service. Putting him out of business is my driving force. Again I thank you. This site is such a comfort. I greatly admire your guts, candor and care for the others of us in the same horrible boat.

  • How well I can relate to this.
    Being male, I’m frequently attacked and verbally assaulted for claiming I was molested by a social worker, while they gaslight with the defense of making me to appear mentally unstable.

    Sex within the Freudian psychological community is implied.
    That must change. Tom S. in Tn.

    • It’s just as bad for you, probably worse from what I hear b/c of the social perception that males can’t be victims, especially if their abusers are female. You deserve to be treated with respect and your body honored.

      Just in case nobody else said it to you….Tom, I am sorry that you were abused in this way. Sending you love and light all the way from New Zealand,

  • You are one brave woman. Two nights before I go to the police with my story of therapist abuse, I am full of fear… I have held onto your postings here like a life-line this last week as I’ve prepared my statement. How articulate you are and how much we share in common. In my case, I know there will be other women. And if charges are laid, the media will cover it. They will not use my name, as we have publication bans, but even the thought of the reporters terrify me! And I am terrified! And you! You are so brave! So I am just going to borrow a little of your bravery, ok? You’ve really helped me so much these last few days. I am not sure I would still be coming forward had I not read the post where you quoted the Dali Lama. THAT pushed me over the edge.

    • You’re welcome!
      Sophia, I’m thinking of you and wishing you all the best as you take this courageous step. Know that whatever happens, not only will you be okay, you are already okay! Please let us know how it goes.
      Much love and support to you!
      – Kristi

  • Hi Kristi,
    It was pretty intense. Pushing forward with charges, so I guess there’s not much I can say that is case specific. But I did it! In full, 8 hours of statement and reviewing evidence in the last two days. Pretty heavy. But worth it! I just want to stop him from hurting other women.

    • Wow, that must have been so intense! Congratulations on making it through!! Again, I want to acknowledge you for your courage and perseverance. I know how challenging this can be.
      I hope you can give yourself some loving self-care and get some much needed rest now. You definitely deserve it!

  • Kristi,
    You posted this about 9 years ago & it’s still relevant today as I, too, am a survivor of therapist abuse. He groomed me; he spiritually, emotionally, physically and sexually abused me. He exploited me for he own nasty needs. I’m currently suing him in a civil suit which has been going on for several years. Like other survivors, I’m being blamed for his sick sh*t. They say I’m crazy and I seduced him. Um, that’s ironic because I sought treatment because I’m scared of men and scared to date. His license was suspended but that’s been lifted and he’s practicing counseling, again. And I can’t do anything about it or I can’t do anything about it, right now.
    Even though I have the support of an attorney, a psychiatrist and a trauma therapist, I feel so alone. My friends don’t want to hear about what happened as they don’t understand what happened. Hell, I barely understand what happened. PTSD has taken over my mind and sort of my life.
    I’m so sorry that you went through all of this. Thank you for sharing your story; it’s helped me not feel alone. Don’t stop talking & sharing! Don’t stop fighting! I’m not, for sure.

    • Jane,
      I’m so sorry to hear what you’ve been through. It’s especially disgusting that his license was suspended and that now he’s practicing again. I’m so glad you have some support around you, even if it doesn’t feel like enough. I know how hard it is right now, but trust that you will get through it and things will get easier. You are not alone!

    • JD,
      You said it so well. ‘He groomed me;he spiritually, emotionally, physically and sexually abused me. He exploited me for his own nasty needs.”
      I have lived the last 7 months consumed by emotional extortion by a company therapist.
      I can’t shake reliving every word, messages left, emails and “chats”.
      I admire your strength to turn in your abuser. I don’t have the strength nor the articulation to stand up to the system when I couldn’t stand up to my therapist. (or ex- therapist as he pointed out that he only made a move, after our last session)
      I know he is luring in women into his office.
      I did get a good picture of his couch and plan to tape it to women’s bathroom stalls all around the city and colleges with these websites on it! Maybe I can save another woman’s soul before she dances with the devil.

      • Cyndi,
        I hate that I said it so well; it’s only because I lived it for over a year. But thanks for the compliment!
        I admire your strength to personally take out your abuser via your literal photo bombing. What a creative way to get back at him! However, I challenge you to contact your state board of health & turn that sleazy scum bag in. You could even contact a personal injury attorney.
        You couldn’t stand up to your therapist because he had groomed and was grooming you. 99% of people can stand up to grooming especially when one is being groomed by a person of authority. (I’m not going to say 100% of the people…. because I don’t have the research backing my claim but you get what I mean.)
        Ok, you say your ex-therapist made a move after your last session? Um, that doesn’t matter that it was after your last session, he was still your therapist & he should be held accountable for that. He needs to go; he needs to loose his license. This is not your fault; you are not to blame! His fault. All his fault. It never could have been your fault or even partially your fault as there is a power differential at play here.
        If you want to turn him in, you can. If you don’t want to, you don’t have to. You don’t even have to decide today or tomorrow. It’s your choice. And don’t let me fool you, I’m strong but it takes a whole team to take down pervs like these guys. Attorneys, psychiatrists, (new & safe) trauma therapists and the like.
        And I find it interesting that you refer to your former therapist as the devil as I, too, believe that I’ve seen a demon- my former therapist. He’s a sick perv.
        Good luck, lady!
        You aren’t alone!
        xoxo, JD

  • I really appreciate these posts!! My therapist abuse was 33 years ago and I’ve been dealing with PTSD for last 10 months. Thank you brave souls!

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